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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Because He Lives

In our Church, we are asked to serve in various capacities for varying amounts of time.  Last Fall I was asked to be the music leader for the seven to eleven-year-old children (Senior Primary).  This has been a tough calling for me.  That may surprise a lot of people, considering my love for and background in music, and also the fact that teaching and being in front of people is another thing that I enjoy.
Over time, I have learned to love the children and even enjoy my calling to serve in this way, despite it still being a weekly challenge.  One of the great blessings has been to help the children prepare for the Sacrament Meeting program this Fall. This year the theme is I Know My Savior Lives.  While there are many beautiful children's songs to portray this, I was hoping for something that would show all of us, not just the children, that we really do know Christ lives.  Sometime we just don't know that we know.
Thanks to my daughter for singing this for me.

Please contact for a copy of the sheet music.

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